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Add support for syncing DNS from Netbox.

Joe Clarke hai 1 ano

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+args=(('', 514), handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL1)
+format=[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] [%(levelname)s] [%(filename)s] [%(funcName)s():%(lineno)s] %(message)s
+datefmt=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S

+ 552 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from elemental_utils import ElementalDns, ElementalNetbox
+from elemental_utils.cpnr.query import RequestError
+# from elemental_utils.cpnr.query import RequestError
+from elemental_utils import cpnr
+from utils import (
+    dedup_cnames,
+    get_cname_record,
+    launch_parallel_task,
+    restart_dns_servers,
+    get_reverse_zone,
+from pynetbox.core.response import Record
+from pynetbox.models.ipam import IpAddresses
+import CLEUCreds
+from cleu.config import Config as C
+# from pynetbox.models.virtualization import VirtualMachines
+from colorama import Fore, Style
+from typing import Union, Tuple, List
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from threading import Lock
+import os
+# import ipaddress
+import logging.config
+import logging
+import argparse
+import sys
+# import json
+import re
+# import hvac
+logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/dns_logger.conf"))
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ARecord:
+    """Class representing a DNS Address record."""
+    hostname: str
+    ip: str
+    domain: str
+    nb_record: IpAddresses
+    _name: str
+class CNAMERecord:
+    """Class representing a DNS CNAME record."""
+    alias: str
+    domain: str
+    host: ARecord
+    _name: str
+class PTRRecord:
+    """Class representing a DNS PTR record."""
+    rev_ip: str
+    hostname: str
+    rzone: str
+    nb_record: IpAddresses
+    _name: str
+class TXTRecord:
+    """Class representing a DNS TXT record."""
+    name: str
+    value: str
+class DnsRecords:
+    """Class for tracking DNS records to delete and create."""
+    creates: list = field(default_factory=list)
+    deletes: List[Tuple] = field(default_factory=list)
+    lock: Lock = Lock()
+def get_txt_record(ip: IpAddresses) -> str:
+    """Return a serialized form of an IP/VM/device object for use in a TXT record.
+    Args:
+        :ip IpAddresses: IP address object to process
+    Returns:
+        :str: TXT record data
+    """
+    result = "v=_netbox "
+    atype = ip.assigned_object_type
+    if atype == "virtualization.vminterface":
+        result += (
+            f"url={ip.assigned_object.virtual_machine.serialize()['url']} type=vm id={ip.assigned_object.virtual_machine.id} ip_id={ip.id}"
+        )
+    elif atype == "dcim.interface":
+        result += f"url={ip.assigned_object.device.serialize()['url']} type=device id={ip.assigned_object.device.id} ip_id={ip.id}"
+    return f'"{result}"'
+def get_dns_name(ip: IpAddresses) -> str:
+    """Get a DNS name based on the IP object's assigned object.
+    Args:
+        :ip IpAddresses: IP address object to check
+    Returns:
+        :str: DNS name if one is found else None
+    """
+    dns_name = None
+    if ip.assigned_object:
+        atype = ip.assigned_object_type
+        aobj = ip.assigned_object
+        if atype == "virtualization.vminterface":
+            if aobj.virtual_machine.primary_ip4 == ip:
+                dns_name = aobj.virtual_machine.name.lower()
+        elif atype == "dcim.interface":
+            if aobj.device.primary_ip4 == ip:
+                dns_name = aobj.device.name.lower()
+    return dns_name
+def check_record(ip: IpAddresses, primary_domain: str, edns: ElementalDns, enb: ElementalNetbox, wip_records: DnsRecords) -> None:
+    """Check to see if a given NetBox IP object needs DNS updates.
+    Args:
+        :ip IpAddresses: NetBox IP address object to check
+        :primary_domain str: Primary domain name for the records for the IP/host with trailing '.'
+        :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object representing the auth DNS for the primary_domain
+        :enb ElementalNetbox: ElementalNetbox object for querying
+        :wip_records DnsRecords: Object to hold the results of the function
+    """
+    dns_name = get_dns_name(ip)
+    # If we don't have a name, then we have nothing to check.
+    if not dns_name:
+        return
+    if not re.match(r"^[a-z0-9-]+$", dns_name):
+        logger.warning(f"⛔️ Invalid DNS name {dns_name} for IP {ip.address}")
+        return
+    ip_address = ip.address.split("/")[0]
+    rzone_name = get_reverse_zone(ip_address)
+    ptr_name = ip_address.split(".")[::-1][0]
+    old_ptrs = []
+    # Get the current A record from DNS (if it exists)
+    current_host_record = edns.host.get(dns_name, zoneOrigin=primary_domain)
+    # Get the current PTR record from DNS (if it exists)
+    current_ptr_record = edns.rrset.get(ptr_name, zoneOrigin=rzone_name)
+    # Declare an A record for the current object.
+    a_record = ARecord(dns_name, ip_address, primary_domain, ip, dns_name)
+    # Track whether or not we need a change
+    change_needed = False
+    if not current_host_record:
+        # An A record doesn't yet exist.
+        change_needed = True
+    else:
+        if ip_address not in current_host_record.addrs["stringItem"]:
+            # An A record exists for the hostname but pointing to a different IP.  Remove it.
+            change_needed = True
+            # Also, remove the old PTR.
+            for addr in current_host_record.addrs["stringItem"]:
+                old_ptrs.append((addr.split(".")[::-1][0], get_reverse_zone(addr)))
+        else:
+            # Check if we have a TXT meta-record.  If this does not exist the existing host record will be removed and a new one added
+            change_needed = check_txt_record(current_host_record, ip, edns)
+    if current_ptr_record:
+        found_match = False
+        for rr in current_ptr_record.rrList["CCMRRItem"]:
+            if rr["rrType"] == "PTR" and rr["rdata"] == f"{dns_name}.{primary_domain}":
+                found_match = True
+                break
+        if not found_match:
+            change_needed = True
+    if change_needed:
+        # If a change is required in the A/PTR records, mark the old records for removal and add
+        # the new records.
+        wip_records.lock.acquire()
+        if current_host_record:
+            if (current_host_record.name, primary_domain) not in wip_records.deletes:
+                wip_records.deletes.append((current_host_record.name, primary_domain))
+            # Cleanup the old PTRs, too.
+            for old_ptr in old_ptrs:
+                if old_ptr not in wip_records.deletes:
+                    wip_records.deletes.append(old_ptr)
+        if current_ptr_record:
+            if (current_ptr_record.name, rzone_name) not in wip_records.deletes:
+                wip_records.deletes.append((current_ptr_record.name, rzone_name))
+            # Delete the old A record, too.
+            for rr in current_ptr_record.rrList["CCMRRItem"]:
+                if rr["rrType"] == "PTR":
+                    host_name = rr["rdata"].split(".")[0]
+                    if (host_name, primary_domain) not in wip_records.deletes:
+                        wip_records.deletes.append((host_name, primary_domain))
+        wip_records.creates.append(a_record)
+        wip_records.lock.release()
+    # Process any CNAMEs that may exist for this record.
+    check_cnames(ip=ip, dns_name=dns_name, primary_domain=primary_domain, a_record=a_record, enb=enb, wip_records=wip_records)
+def check_cnames(
+    ip: IpAddresses, dns_name: str, primary_domain: str, a_record: ARecord, enb: ElementalNetbox, wip_records: DnsRecords
+) -> None:
+    """Determine CNAME records to create/delete.
+    Args:
+        :ip IpAddresses: IP address object to check
+        :dns_name str: Main hostname of the record
+        :primary_domain str: Primary domain name of the record
+        :a_record ARecord: A record object to link CNAMEs to
+        :enb ElementalNetbox: ElementalNetbox object for NetBox queries
+        :wip_records DnsRecords: DnsRecords object to hold the results
+    """
+    cnames = ip.custom_fields.get("CNAMEs")
+    if not cnames:
+        cnames = ""
+    else:
+        cnames = cnames.lower().strip()
+    primary_cname = ""
+    # Add the IP's DNS Name as a CNAME if it is unique.
+    if ip.dns_name and ip.dns_name != "" and ip.dns_name.strip().lower() != dns_name:
+        primary_cname = ip.dns_name.strip().lower()
+    if cnames == "" and primary_cname != "":
+        cnames = primary_cname
+    elif primary_cname != "":
+        cnames += f",{primary_cname}"
+    if cnames != "":
+        cname_list = dedup_cnames(cnames.split(","), primary_domain)
+        for cname in cname_list:
+            current_domain = ".".join(cname.split(".")[1:])
+            alias = cname.split(".")[0]
+            cname_record = CNAMERecord(alias, current_domain, a_record, alias)
+            current_cname_record = get_cname_record(alias, current_domain, enb)
+            wip_records.lock.acquire()
+            if not current_cname_record:
+                # There isn't a CNAME already, so add a new CNAME record.
+                wip_records.creates.append(cname_record)
+            else:
+                found_match = False
+                for rr in current_cname_record.rrList["CCMRRItem"]:
+                    if rr["rrType"] == "CNAME" and rr["rdata"] == f"{dns_name}.{primary_domain}":
+                        # The existing CNAME record points to the correct A record, so we don't need a change.
+                        found_match = True
+                        break
+                if not found_match:
+                    # CNAME exists but was not consistent, so remove the old one and add a new one.
+                    if (current_cname_record.name, current_cname_record.zoneOrigin) not in wip_records.deletes:
+                        wip_records.deletes.append((current_cname_record.name, current_cname_record.zoneOrigin))
+                    wip_records.creates.append(cname_record)
+            wip_records.lock.release()
+            # Note: This code will leave stale CNAMEs (i.e., CNAMEs that point to non-existent hosts or CNAMEs that
+            # are no longer used).  Those will be cleaned up by another script.
+def check_txt_record(current_host_record: cpnr.models.model.Record, ip: IpAddresses, edns: ElementalDns) -> bool:
+    rrs = edns.rrset.get(current_host_record.name, zoneOrigin=current_host_record.zoneOrigin)
+    rdata = get_txt_record(ip)
+    change_needed = True
+    if rrs:
+        # This SHOULD always be true
+        for rr in rrs.rrList["CCMRRItem"]:
+            if rr["rrType"] == "TXT":
+                if rr["rdata"] == rdata:
+                    change_needed = False
+                else:
+                    logger.debug(
+                        f"TXT record for {current_host_record.name} in domain {current_host_record.zoneOrigin} exists, but it is "
+                        f"'{rr['rdata']}' and it should be '{rdata}'"
+                    )
+                break
+    return change_needed
+def print_records(wip_records: DnsRecords, primary_domain: str, tenant: Record) -> None:
+    """Print the records to be processed.
+    Args:
+        :wip_records DnsRecords: DnsRecords object containing the records to process
+        :primary_domain str: Primary domain to append when needed
+        :tenant Record: A NetBox Tenant for which this DNS record applies
+    """
+    print(f"DNS records to be deleted for tenant {tenant.name} ({len(wip_records.deletes)} records):")
+    for rec in wip_records.deletes:
+        print(f"\t{Fore.RED}DELETE{Style.RESET_ALL} {rec[0]}.{rec[1]}")
+    print(f"DNS records to be created for tenant {tenant.name} ({len(wip_records.creates)} records):")
+    for rec in wip_records.creates:
+        if isinstance(rec, ARecord):
+            print(f"\t{Fore.GREEN}CREATE{Style.RESET_ALL} [A] {rec.hostname}.{primary_domain} : {rec.ip}")
+            print(f"\t{Fore.GREEN}CREATE{Style.RESET_ALL} [PTR] {rec.ip}.{get_reverse_zone(rec.ip)} ==> {rec.hostname}.{primary_domain}")
+            print(f"\t{Fore.GREEN}CREATE{Style.RESET_ALL} [TXT] {rec.hostname}.{primary_domain} : {get_txt_record(rec.nb_record)}")
+        elif isinstance(rec, CNAMERecord):
+            print(f"\t{Fore.GREEN}CREATE{Style.RESET_ALL} [CNAME] {rec.alias}.{rec.domain} ==> {rec.host.hostname}.{rec.host.domain}")
+        elif isinstance(rec, PTRRecord):
+            print(f"\t{Fore.GREEN}CREATE{Style.RESET_ALL} [PTR] {rec.rev_ip}.{rec.rzone} ==> {rec.hostname}")
+# def delete_txt_record(name: str, domain: str, edns: ElementalDns) -> None:
+#     """Delete a TXT record associated with an A record.
+#     Args:
+#         :name str: Name of the record to delete
+#         :domain str: Domain name where the record should be added
+#         :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object to use
+#     """
+#     rrs = edns.rrset.get(name, zoneOrigin=domain)
+#     if rrs:
+#         if len(rrs.rrList["CCMRRItem"]) == 1 and rrs.rrList["CCMRRItem"][0]["rrType"] == "TXT":
+#             rrs.delete()
+#             logger.info(f"🧼 Deleted TXT record for {name} in domain {domain}")
+#         else:
+#             rrList = []
+#             changed = False
+#             for rr in rrs.rrList["CCMRRItem"]:
+#                 if rr["rrType"] != "TXT":
+#                     rrList.append(rr)
+#                 else:
+#                     logger.info(f"🧼 Removing TXT record from RRSet for {name} in domain {domain}")
+#                     changed = True
+#             if changed:
+#                 rrs.rrList["CCMRRItem"] = rrList
+#                 rrs.save()
+def delete_record(cpnr_record: Tuple, primary_domain: str, edns: ElementalDns) -> None:
+    """Delete a record from CPNR.
+    Args:
+        :cpnr_record Tuple: CPNR record to delete in a Tuple of (name, domain) format
+        :primary_domain str: Primary DNS domain
+        :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object of the auth DNS server
+    """
+    global EDNS_MODIFIED
+    name = cpnr_record[0]
+    domain = cpnr_record[1]
+    # Build an RRSet to delete.
+    rrs = edns.rrset.get(name, zoneOrigin=domain)
+    if rrs:
+        try:
+            rrs.delete()
+        except RequestError as e:
+            if e.req.status_code != 404:
+                # We may end up deleting the same record twice.
+                # If it's already gone, don't complain.
+                raise
+        else:
+            logger.info(f"🧼 Successfully deleted record {name}.{domain}")
+            EDNS_MODIFIED = True
+def add_record(record: Union[ARecord, CNAMERecord, PTRRecord], primary_domain: str, edns: ElementalDns) -> None:
+    """Add a new DNS record to CPNR.
+    Args:
+        :cpnr_record Record: Record to add
+        :primary_domain str: Primary domain name to add if the record doesn't contain it
+        :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object to use for adding the record
+        :dac DAC: DNS as code object
+    """
+    global EDNS_MODIFIED
+    cpnr_record = {}
+    if isinstance(record, ARecord):
+        cpnr_record["name"] = record.hostname
+        cpnr_record["addrs"] = {"stringItem": [record.ip]}
+        cpnr_record["zoneOrigin"] = primary_domain
+        cpnr_record["createPtrRecords"] = True
+        txt_record = get_txt_record(record.nb_record)
+        edns.host.add(**cpnr_record)
+        logger.info(f"🎨 Successfully created record for host {record.hostname} : {record.ip}")
+        rrs = edns.rrset.get(record.hostname, zoneOrigin=primary_domain)
+        rrs.rrList["CCMRRItem"].append({"rdata": txt_record, "rrClass": "IN", "rrType": "TXT"})
+        rrs.save()
+        logger.info(f"🎨 Successfully created TXT meta-record for host {record.hostname} in domain {primary_domain}")
+        EDNS_MODIFIED[edns] = True
+    elif isinstance(record, CNAMERecord):
+        curr_edns = edns
+        cpnr_record["name"] = record.alias
+        cpnr_record["zoneOrigin"] = record.domain
+        target = f"{record.host.hostname}.{record.host.domain}"
+        cpnr_record["rrList"] = {"CCMRRItem": [{"rdata": target, "rrClass": "IN", "rrType": "CNAME"}]}
+        curr_edns.rrset.add(**cpnr_record)
+        logger.info(f"🎨 Successfully created CNAME record in domain {record.domain} for alias {record.alias} ==> {target}")
+        EDNS_MODIFIED = True
+    else:
+        # PTR records are not created by themselves for the moment.
+        logger.warning(f"⛔️ Unexpected record of type {type(record)}")
+def parse_args() -> object:
+    """Parse any command line arguments.
+    Returns:
+        :object: Object representing the arguments passed
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0], description="Sync NetBox elements to CPNR")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--site",
+        metavar="<SITE>",
+        help="Site to sync",
+        required=False,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--tenant",
+        metavar="<TENANT>",
+        help="Tenant to sync",
+        required=False,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--dry-run",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Do a dry-run (no changes made)",
+        required=False,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--dummy", metavar="<DUMMY SERVER>", help="Override main DNS server with a dummy server (only used with --tenant", required=False
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.site and args.tenant:
+        print("Only one of --site or --tenant can be given")
+        exit(1)
+    if not args.site and not args.tenant:
+        print("One of --site or --tenant must be provided")
+        exit(1)
+    if args.dummy and not args.tenant:
+        print("--dummy requires --tenant")
+        exit(1)
+    return args
+def main():
+    os.environ["NETBOX_SERVER"] = C.NETBOX_SERVER
+    os.environ["CPNR_USERNAME"] = CLEUCreds.CPNR_USERNAME
+    os.environ["CPNR_PASSWORD"] = CLEUCreds.CPNR_PASSWORD
+    args = parse_args()
+    if args.site:
+        lower_site = args.site.lower()
+    if args.tenant:
+        lower_tenant = args.tenant.lower()
+    enb = ElementalNetbox()
+    # 1. Get a list of all tenants.  If we work tenant-by-tenant, we will likely remain connected
+    #    to the same DNS server.
+    tenants = enb.tenancy.tenants.all()
+    for tenant in tenants:
+        if args.site and str(tenant.group.parent).lower() != lower_site:
+            continue
+        if args.tenant and tenant.name.lower() != lower_tenant:
+            continue
+        elif args.tenant:
+            lower_site = str(tenant.group.parent).lower()
+        primary_domain = C.DNS_DOMAIN
+        edns = ElementalDns(url=f"https://{C.DNS_SERVER}:8443/")
+        ecdnses = C.CDNS_SERVERS
+        # 2. Get all IP addresses for the tenant.
+        ip_addresses = list(enb.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(tenant_id=tenant.id))
+        if len(ip_addresses) == 0:
+            continue
+        wip_records = DnsRecords()
+        # 3. Use thread pools to obtain a list of records to delete then create (updates are done as a delete+create).
+        launch_parallel_task(
+            check_record, "check DNS record(s)", ip_addresses, "address", 20, False, primary_domain, edns, enb, wip_records
+        )
+        # 4. If doing a dry-run, only print out the changes.
+        if args.dry_run:
+            print_records(wip_records, primary_domain, tenant)
+            continue
+        # 5. Process records to be deleted first.  Use thread pools again to parallelize this.
+        success = launch_parallel_task(delete_record, "delete DNS record", wip_records.deletes, None, 20, True, primary_domain, edns)
+        if not success:
+            break
+        # 6. Process records to be added next.  Use thread pools again to parallelize this.
+        launch_parallel_task(add_record, "add DNS record", wip_records.creates, "_name", 20, False, primary_domain, edns)
+    # 7. Restart affected DNS servers.
+    if not args.dry_run:
+        # Technically nothing is modified in dry-run, but just to be safe.
+        if EDNS_MODIFIED:
+            restart_dns_servers(edns, ecdnses)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from .utils import (  # noqa
+    dedup_cnames,
+    get_cname_record,
+    launch_parallel_task,
+    restart_dns_servers,
+    get_reverse_zone,
+    parse_txt_record,

+ 158 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+from elemental_utils import ElementalDns, ElementalCdns
+from pynetbox.models.virtualization import VirtualMachines
+from pynetbox.core.response import Record
+from elemental_utils import cpnr
+from typing import List
+import concurrent.futures
+import logging
+from cleu.config import Config as C
+def normalize_cnames(cnames: List[str], domain: str) -> List[str]:
+    """
+    Given a list of CNAMEs, ensure each one is stripped, ends with a '.'
+    and has the default domain name if another domain name is not present.
+    Args:
+        :cnames List[str]: List of CNAMEs to normalize
+        :domain str: Default domain name to append to unqualified CNAMEs
+    Returns:
+        :List[str]: Normalized list of CNAMEs
+    """
+    cnames = [s.strip() for s in cnames]
+    cnames = list(map(lambda s: s + "." if ("." in s and not s.endswith(".")) else s, cnames))
+    cnames = list(map(lambda s: s + f".{domain}" if (not s.endswith(".")) else s, cnames))
+    return cnames
+def dedup_cnames(cnames: List[str], domain: str) -> List[str]:
+    """
+    Ensure a list of CNAMEs is unique
+    Args:
+        :cnames List[str]: List of CNAMEs to check
+        :domain str: Domain name to append to those unqualified CNAMEs
+    Returns:
+        :List[str]: De-duped list of CNAMEs
+    """
+    cname_dict = {}
+    cname_list = normalize_cnames(cnames, domain)
+    for c in cname_list:
+        cname_dict[c] = True
+    return list(cname_dict.keys())
+def get_cname_record(alias: str, domain: str, edns: ElementalDns) -> cpnr.models.model.Record:
+    """Get a CNAME RRSet if it exists.
+    Args:
+        :alias str: Alias for which to search
+        :domain str: Domain name in which to look for the CNAME alias
+        :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object that is the auth DNS
+    Returns:
+        :Record: Resource Record set if CNAME is found else (or if auth DNS cannot be found) None
+    """
+    return edns.rrset.get(alias, zoneOrigin=domain)
+def launch_parallel_task(
+    task, task_name: str, iterator: list, name_attribute: str, workers: int = 20, stop_on_error: bool = False, /, *args
+) -> bool:
+    """Execute a parallel task using thread pools.
+    Args:
+        :task (function): Task/function to execute
+        :task_name str: Description of the task
+        :iterator list: List of items on which to run the task
+        :name_attribute str: Name of the attribute to identify the item
+        :workers int: Number of threads to use (default: 20)
+        :stop_on_error bool: Whether to stop if an error is encountered (default: False)
+        :*args: Arguments to the task
+    Returns:
+        :bool: True if the task succeeded, False otherwise
+    """
+    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    result = True
+    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
+        future_task = {executor.submit(task, item, *args): item for item in iterator}
+        for ft in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_task):
+            item = future_task[ft]
+            try:
+                ft.result()
+            except Exception as e:
+                if not name_attribute:
+                    logger.exception(f"⛔️ Failed to {task_name} for {item}: {e}")
+                else:
+                    logger.exception(f"⛔️ Failed to {task_name} for {getattr(item, name_attribute)}: {e}")
+                result = False
+                if stop_on_error:
+                    break
+    return result
+def restart_dns_servers(edns: ElementalDns, ecdnses: ElementalCdns) -> None:
+    """Restart all affected DNS servers.
+    Args:
+        :edns ElementalDns: ElementalDns object to restart
+        :ecdns ElementalCdns: ElementalCdns object to restart
+    """
+    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    try:
+        edns.sync_ha_pair(instance="DNSHA", add_params={"mode": "exact", "direction": "fromMain"})
+    except Exception:
+        # This can fail when we don't yet have an HA pair.
+        pass
+    edns.reload_server()
+    logger.info(f"🏁 Reloaded server {edns.base_url}")
+    # Restart each applicable CDNS server.
+    for ecdns in ecdnses:
+        ecdns.reload_server()
+        logger.info(f"🏁 Reloaded CDNS server {ecdns.base_url}")
+def get_reverse_zone(ip: str) -> str:
+    """Get the reverse zone for an IP.
+    Args:
+        :ip str: IP address to parse
+    Returns:
+        :str: Reverse zone name
+    """
+    octets = ip.split(".")
+    rzone_name = f"{'.'.join(octets[::-1][1:])}.in-addr.arpa."
+    return rzone_name
+def parse_txt_record(txt_record: str) -> dict:
+    """Parse a NetBox TXT record and return a dict of it.
+    Args:
+        :txt_record str: String representation of the TXT record data
+    Returns:
+        :dict: Dict of the results with each field a key
+    """
+    result = {}
+    txt_record = txt_record.strip('"')
+    if not txt_record.startswith("v=_netbox"):
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid NetBox TXT record data: {txt_record}")
+    key_vals = txt_record.split(" ")
+    for key_val in key_vals:
+        (key, value) = key_val.split("=")
+        result[key] = value
+    return result